Tips to prevent cramps during pregnancy

cramps during pregnancy

Cramps during pregnancy are one of the effects that are considered most normal during pregnancy. A woman who wants to become a mother knows that there are many delights of motherhood. And when this dream begins to come true and the pregnancy starts, this same woman knows that she may face some discomforts during the following months.

Pregnancy cramps appear because of the transformations that take place in a woman’s body. And they can appear in the beginning of pregnancy due to the adaptation of the mother’s body to the baby’s growth. This ends up affecting some systems, such as the digestive and urinary systems. They can also occur, in a very common way, in the final stage, around 37 weeks of gestation, indicating the beginning of labor.

However, the discomfort in the region of the belly, despite being common in pregnant women, can mean anything from a natural condition of the body to a warning sign. There are other situations that can cause strong and persistent cramps during pregnancy.

If the cramps do not stop after a while or are accompanied by vaginal bleeding, discharge or fever, it is important to consult the prenatal doctor who is accompanying the mother-to-be.

What can cause cramps in pregnancy?

During pregnancy, especially in the first three months, the uterus can naturally present more intense movements. Because of this, if you are pregnant and feel minor discomfort, know that it is normal. The expansion of the uterus, which is adapting to the baby, puts pressure on ligaments, pelvic muscles, other tissues, and veins. In addition, several hormonal changes occur.

For this very reason, get moving! Avoid sedentariness, but in a responsible way! Seek the help of a specialist in activities for pregnant women. The pregnant woman needs to exercise, but should not do strenuous exercises or carry excess weight.

Another cause of cramps in pregnancy is diet. If you are pregnant and think you can eat anything, be prepared to suffer from intestinal discomfort and cramps. A good diet also helps to avoid gas and constipation, two other reasons that cause pain and discomfort.

Remember that gas is a frequent cause of cramps, since progesterone, a pregnancy hormone, slows down the intestine. This is why maintaining a balanced diet is so important.

Drinking plenty of water and reducing the consumption of foods that stimulate the formation of gas is important, in addition to favoring intestinal transit.

It is recommended to avoid foods that are difficult to digest, fatty foods, such as fried foods and pasta, dairy products, and those of easy fermentation, such as beans, lentils, corn, broccoli, and sweets. Lying down after eating is another habit that can contribute to the feeling of discomfort.

Some nutrients must be consumed by pregnant women. Among them are: vitamin C; folic acid; phosphorus, potassium, magnesium; and calcium. “Leading a life, and pregnancy itself, in a healthy way is the best way to prevent cramps. Good nutrition and regular physical activity are important to promote an adaptation to the changes that happen to the body.”

Feeling a slight cramp after intercourse during pregnancy is also normal. The orgasm causes uterine contraction, because of the muscular movements of the act.

How to relieve the symptoms of cramps in pregnancy?

Minor cramps can occur frequently until the end of the third trimester of pregnancy. They are similar to menstrual cramps. It feels like it’s going to come at any moment, and this is very uncomfortable. And not knowing the source of the pain creates a lot of tension.

But there are some tips that help to relieve the symptoms of cramps in pregnancy. However, it is worth pointing out that all of them can only be used after your doctor’s permission.

Among them are: light physical activities, such as yoga and stretching; or even massages that help reduce swelling and relax the muscles. To avoid overloading, it is also recommended to vary posture and body positions. Besides the use of painkillers and antispasmodics.

But if, for some reason, you can’t avoid cramps, the main medical recommendation is to rest to relax the pelvic muscles. Rest for muscle relaxation is the best alternative. It is worth extra attention if the pain is very strong. It is a situation that requires care.

Because in the case of accentuated pain, which does not relieve with simple measures such as resting, and is accompanied by fever and bleeding, it must be immediately communicated to the doctor who will take the necessary steps to resolve the situation.

When to worry about cramps in pregnancy

When there is an increase in the intensity and frequency of cramps, and they are accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, chills, vomiting, and pain when urinating, consult your doctor immediately. In the first three months of pregnancy, they can indicate the risk of miscarriage.

As of the second and third trimesters, there is the possibility of a premature birth. The doctor will evaluate the origin of the symptoms and the appropriate medication for each case. To help you with this diagnosis, you can pay attention to the pattern of pain and describe its characteristics.

Some causes of colic with greater intensity can be due to uterine malformations; placental dysfunctions; and hormonal changes, such as hypothyroidism. Urinary tract infections can also cause cramping, as can fibroids; and an ectopic pregnancy (attachment of the embryo to the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus).

Colic is uncomfortable, but it is a phase of the dreamed-of motherhood

Carrying a growing baby in your belly is an experience that affects your whole body. Because of this, some discomfort is absolutely normal, including some cramps. Even though it is a common symptom, you should not play around with cramps during pregnancy. So don’t hesitate to see your doctor if you feel that something is wrong.

The treatment for cramps in pregnancy will depend on the cause, i.e. the reason that is causing it. Based on this, the doctor will evaluate and choose the best way to treat it.

The important thing is to take a deep breath in times of cramps and keep calm. Generally, they do not characterize risk alert. And know that all this process will pass and, after it, the dreamed of motherhood will come to fill your life with emotions.

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cramps during pregnancy

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