Breastfeeding is an opportunity to share unforgettable moments with your baby, but like all good things in life, it comes with certain difficulties. The problem that breastfeeding mothers face is the lack of breast milk and not understanding what breast milk comes from. Your body has everything it needs to provide your newborn with nutrients, but sometimes moms worry about the amount of milk and wonder how to increase the amount of breast milk and improve lactation.
There are some simple tricks to help improve lactation, but first, it’s important to understand the difference between feeling like you don’t have enough milk and actually having too little breastmilk. If your baby is gaining weight normally, there’s probably nothing to worry about, but we’ll share more details below!
How to increase the amount of breast milk
It’s only natural for moms to worry about their breast milk supply, especially since it’s difficult to accurately measure the amount of milk you produce. Because of this, some moms start actively looking for methods to increase the amount of breast milk without making sure that it is really necessary. There is no need to worry if :
- The baby looks happy and satisfied after feeding and releases the breast independently.
- Baby is gaining weight. The baby gains weight gradually, about 155-240 grams per week until 4 months of age.
- The baby swallows without problems. During breastfeeding, the carapoose can swallow large volumes of milk. At this time, he will suck less and fill his mouth with more breast milk.
- If your baby is active and alert when awake and goes through the various stages of development without problems, you probably don’t need to worry about how to increase the amount of breast milk.
Therefore, these signs of breastfeeding behavior indicate that the baby is probably full. But in case you have any doubts about whether you should produce more breast milk, don’t worry! There are some simple ways to improve lactation.

4 tips on how to improve lactation for a breastfeeding mom
If you are interested in how to improve lactation, we recommend that you ask your doctor for advice. We can offer a list of recommendations on how to improve lactation in simple ways:
1- Breastfeed regularly
It is important that your baby is fed every 1.5 to 2 hours during the day and every 3 hours at night. While this may seem too frequent, it is important to stick to it to stimulate lactation and ensure that your baby gets enough nutrients needed for development. You can try nipple pads, which allow the baby to make contact with the breast and help maintain a bond with the mom while feeding.
When your baby is sleeping, gently wake him or her up to feed according to the breastfeeding schedule. You can also use a breast pump to increase the amount of milk. Remember: the more you breastfeed, the more breast milk you will have.
2- Eat certain foods to increase lactation
A healthy and balanced diet is important for your health, but not only! It is also extremely relevant if you want to know what a woman needs to eat in order for milk to arrive. Try to consume 300-500 calories more throughout the day when you are breastfeeding than you did before you got pregnant. Consume more vegetables, fruits, and cereals to improve lactation and keep yourself hydrated. Also drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which can make lactation more difficult.
3- breast massage
Breast massage can help increase the volume and fat content of milk. When a baby is on a “comfort feeding” (soothing herself more than drinking), massage the breast near the rib cage and then a little farther toward the nipple, and wait for the baby to take a few sips. Then massage another area of the same breast, and wait for a few more sips. Repeat.
4- use a breast pump to improve lactation
Using a breast pump is a convenient option for moms who can’t be near their babies while nursing, but it’s also a good way to maintain or even increase lactation. Try decanting milk between your baby’s feedings to stimulate lactation. Pumping milk can actually improve breast milk production by sending a signal to your body to produce more milk.
And if you don’t already have something to decant your milk with, try this electric breast pump and easily decant your breast milk while sitting in a comfortable position. With its unique and clinically proven design, there’s no need to bend over as milk flows directly from your breast to the bottle regardless of your position. You can also choose a handheld breast pump, which is lightweight and easy to carry around.
While breastfeeding, it is extremely important to take care of your own comfort, so this breast pump is equipped with a massage cushion for a soft and pleasant stimulation of milk flow. Read more about how to store breast milk in this article!
Have fun while breastfeeding comfortably
So, how do you increase the amount of breast milk? One of the best things about motherhood is that all moms are different. You may notice a difference in the amount of breast milk within a few days, sometimes it may take a few weeks. Regardless of how long it takes for your body to produce more breast milk, try to remain patient and relaxed. Finding what works best for you and learning what your body and your baby needs is part of the adventure!
If you have questions or feel that your baby is not getting enough breastmilk, seek advice from your doctor.