Breastfeeding is a precious time in your life, but it doesn’t always go smoothly. One of the most common problems breastfeeding mothers may face is not getting enough breast milk. A mother’s body is designed to provide all the nutrients her baby needs, but sometimes mothers worry that they are not producing enough milk. Logically, mothers have to look for an answer to the question, “How do I increase the amount of breast milk?”
There are a few tips and tricks you can follow to increase the amount of breast milk, but first, you need to establish the difference between a real and perceived lack of milk. If your baby is gaining weight well, you have nothing to worry about. But more on that later!
Here we answer all of your most frequently asked questions about the amount of breast milk, from “How do I increase the amount of breast milk?” to “How long will it take to increase the amount of milk?”

Signs that you don’t need more breast milk
Worries about not having enough breast milk are natural for moms, especially since it is sometimes difficult to accurately determine the amount of milk. Because of this, mothers often conclude that they need to increase the amount of breast milk. However, do not panic: if your baby is having the following signs, he is getting enough milk.
- Your baby looks happy and satisfied: Your newborn baby looks happy and full after feeding and is letting go of the breast on his or her own.
- Your baby is gaining weight: Your baby is gaining the expected weight, which is about 160-240 grams per week until he or she reaches four months of age. In the first month of life, babies typically gain at least 600 grams per month and at least 180-200 grams per week.
- The baby swallows during feedings: If in doubt, observe your baby swallowing during feedings. When this happens, your baby is sucking more slowly and his mouth is filled with more milk.
- The baby is actively urinating: The number of urinations is more than 8 times a day, the urine does not look concentrated, and there is no intense odor.
- Your baby is active: A newborn baby reacts to the world around him/her, is active when awake, and his/her development corresponds to age norms.
If your baby is showing these signs, he is probably getting enough milk. However, if you think you are not getting enough milk, don’t panic. There are many things you can do to increase it.
Increase the amount of breast milk by following these simple tips
If all your attempts don’t help, consult your doctor to choose the best way to deal with the problem. We recommend that you listen to the following tips to increase the amount of breast milk:
1- Give your baby regular breastfeeding
It is important that your baby feeds every hour or two during the first month and every three hours at night. Although you may think this schedule is too frequent, it is necessary to increase the amount of milk and make sure your baby gets the nutrients he needs to grow and develop.
If your newborn is sleeping for a long time, gently wake him up and put him on the breast. Alternatively, you can use a breast pump to help stimulate the production of breast milk. Remember: the more often you breastfeed, the more breast milk will be produced.
3- Eat a varied, nutritious, and balanced diet to increase the amount of breast milk.
In addition to being good for your overall health, eating a balanced and healthy diet plays an important role in increasing the amount of breast milk. Try to eat in a way that gives you about 300-500 more calories per day than you did before you got pregnant. Variety your daily diet with a variety of tasty vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to increase milk production and keep your strength. Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, as this condition can significantly reduce the amount of breast milk. Also, consult your doctor about supplementation with vitamin and mineral complexes or specialized products for breastfeeding mothers.
4-Learn how to increase the amount of breast milk with pumping.
A breast pump is a great option for moms who can’t be near their baby while she feeds. Squeezing is also a great way to maintain and increase the amount of breast milk. Try adding a few squeezing sessions between feedings to stimulate breast milk production. Squeezing between breastfeeding sessions will increase the amount of breast milk because the body’s empty mammary glands are a signal to produce more milk.

Enjoy a great breastfeeding time
So, how long does it take to increase the amount of milk? Every woman is unique, and that’s one of the wonderful things about motherhood. You may notice an increase in milk after a few days or weeks. No matter how long this process takes, try to stay calm and not get frustrated. It’s all part of your learning how to breastfeed properly. How else will you know what is best for you and your baby?
If you have any questions or feel that your baby is not getting enough milk, don’t put off going to the doctor!