Breastfeeding for Beginners | The right way to feed your baby

Breastfeeding for Beginners

Some of the most common questions about newborns have to do with feeding because it will take a lot of time during the first few months of a baby’s life. In this article, we will discuss all of its basic aspects, from the basic principles of breastfeeding to the best tips for effective infant feeding.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, get another expert’s opinion.

Basic principles of breastfeeding

Although all babies are different, newborns usually eat every two to three hours, for a total of 8 to 12 times a day. In the first one to two days after birth, babies usually drink 25-50 ml of milk in one feeding. This volume will gradually increase to 50-75 ml when the baby is about two weeks old.

How long is one feeding?

Again, all babies are different, so there is no set time frame in which each newborn should eat. But in general, breastfeeding a newborn takes anywhere from five minutes to one hour. This time depends on the size, age of the baby, and the frequency and duration of the newborn’s feedings.

How do I start breastfeeding?

In the very first minutes of the baby’s life, the mother should put the baby on her breast and provide body contact. This time is called the “golden hour”: it is during this hour that the connection between mother and baby is established and the newborn has a natural instinct to look for the breast. As soon as the baby begins to show signs of hunger, the breast should be given.

Moms who are just learning to breastfeed their newborn should remember: comfort is the key. There is no better way to ensure successful breastfeeding than by creating a comfortable and relaxing environment for mom. For starters, moms can sit comfortably on the couch, on a bed, or in a chair with pillows to support their backs while nursing. Breastfeeding moms can get creative with breastfeeding and choose certain lighting, quiet music, or anything else that helps them relax.

Bring your baby to your breast, not the other way around. If you want to make breastfeeding easier for your newborn – then don’t lean toward your baby, but bring him or her to your breast. The baby’s mouth should be against the nipple, the neck should be straight, and the shoulders and hips should be in line. The mother may also touch the nipple lightly to the baby’s nose and mouth to encourage her to take the breast.

Support the breast. While holding the newborn with one hand, the mother can place her other hand directly under the breast to support her. When learning to breastfeed, some moms prefer to leave one hand free; in this case, a rolled-up towel can be used.

Breastfeeding can be done in many different positions; experiment with them to find the most comfortable position for you and your baby. Below we list the most common breastfeeding techniques:

  • “Cradle”: In this position, the baby lies on the mother’s arm at the side of the mammary gland that he or she is sucking on. The baby’s head rests on the mother’s elbow during feeding.
  • Cross Cradle“: In the cross-cradle, the mother holds the baby with the hand opposite the breast the baby is sucking on. The mother can support the breast with her other hand.
  • Out of Hand“: In this position, the mother holds the baby close to her with her back to her hand. With her other hand, she supports the baby’s head, facing the breast with which she is feeding the baby.
  • Lying on her side: In this position, the mother lies on her side and the baby lies next to her, facing her breast. The mother can support the baby under her back with the hand that is on top of her, or put a rolled-up towel under her back.

More on the benefits of breastfeeding a baby here

Breastfeeding Tips for Newborns

After reviewing breastfeeding techniques, we can give new mothers a few tips:

  1. Make sure that the baby has a good grip on the breast. A good grip is important for both mother and baby. A good grip will help your baby suckle properly and help your mother avoid nipple pain. To get a good grip, the mother needs to find a position that makes it easier for the newborn to grab the breast, and she should experiment with different positions to do this. If the mom has difficulty with latching, she should talk to a lactation consultant.
  2. Support milk production. Sometimes a breastfeeding mom cannot be with her baby all the time during feedings. In these cases, it is very important to maintain milk production. A great solution for maintaining milk production when mom and baby are not together is to express milk.

Take a look at this dual breast pump: it cuts down on pumping time and has a massaging petal nozzle to gently stimulate your milk flow.

  1. Breastfeeding Everywhere. One of the many benefits of breast milk is that mom always has it with her. But some moms feel uncomfortable at first when they have to breastfeed their baby in public places. We recommend that these moms first practice breastfeeding their newborn in front of a mirror and choose clothing that allows them to cover their breasts while breastfeeding. A shawl or scarf can help – with them, mom will feel more comfortable feeding her baby outside the home.

And to keep clothes dry and clean while nursing, we recommend moms use these disposable bra pads with a porous and breathable structure: they do not leak and let air in.

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