All about pregnancy and childbirth | From the beginning to birth

All about pregnancy and childbirth

So, the test shows two lines, and you wonder what to do next. There is a lot of information on websites for pregnant women and expectant mothers, but it is contradictory and not always clear. We will tell you what you need to know – only the most important things. All the truth about all aspects of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as useful tips for expectant mothers, can be found in other articles on our website.

How does a normal pregnancy work?

Doctors call a pregnancy that lasts 37-41 weeks and proceeds without complications on the part of the mother and baby a normal pregnancy. A woman is carrying a single fetus. This is the normal pregnancy that we will talk about.(pregnancy and childbirth)
If a woman is carrying twins, has chronic diseases, or develops complications at any stage, we will talk about pregnancy pathology. In this situation, it is also possible to carry and give birth to a healthy baby, but qualified medical care will be needed.

Pregnancy does not start when two lines appear on the test. At this time we already know for sure that the woman is pregnant. If you do the test in the first days of your period, the age of the embryo will already be 2-3 weeks.

How to take care of mom’s health

There are a lot of helpful tips for pregnant moms on mommy websites – and they all boil down to taking care of yourself and looking after your health. Here’s what’s recommended:

  • See a gynecologist. You should register as soon as you see two lines on the test. The first trimester is the most important. Its course largely depends on how the pregnancy will develop. It is recommended to undergo all examinations in time – to pass tests and make ultrasound examinations. This will help to learn all about the pregnancy, the time to notice changes, and if it will be necessary – to provide assistance.
  • Eat right. It’s no accident that articles about pregnancy always focus on this issue. The diet of the mother depends, on how the baby will develop, and what will be his health after childbirth. “Healthy nutrition during pregnancy” (pregnancy and childbirth)
  • Keep your body in shape. It’s not just about weight, although you should keep an eye on it during pregnancy. But it is equally important to strengthen immunity, to give up bad habits, and to treat illnesses on time, so they do not affect the health of the fetus.
  • Establish a daily routine. To ensure that pregnancy and childbirth proceed successfully, the expectant mother should correctly distribute the load during the day, taking time to work and rest.

Pregnancy lasts 37-41 weeks (pregnancy and childbirth). It is divided into trimesters. The gestational age is counted from the first day of your last menstrual period. It is always two weeks longer than the true (fetal) term. The date of your last period is also used to determine your expected due date.

All about pregnancy and childbirth

How to Monitor Your Baby’s Health

One of the most common questions pregnant women ask is: how do you know if your baby is okay? Unfortunately, the baby can’t signal to us how he’s doing. But we can find out how he’s developing and whether everything is fine, during an examination and with the help of ultrasound. (pregnancy and childbirth)

The examination is performed at each visit to the doctor. The gynecologist evaluates how the expectant mother’s abdomen is rounded, and finds out whether the baby is moving well. In the late-term, he or she listens to the fetal heartbeat with a stethoscope. He may also palpate the head and pelvis of the fetus through the abdomen to find out if the baby is correctly positioned in the uterine cavity.

Healthy pregnant women have ultrasounds three times during their pregnancy in each trimester. An ultrasound scan allows you to see how the fetus is developing and detect abnormalities.

In the third trimester, a CTG is also done to assess the condition of the fetus – to hear the baby’s heartbeat. (pregnancy and childbirth)

How to prepare for labor

The 37-41 weeks of labor is considered to be on time. At this time, the baby is fully ready to come into the world and can exist outside the mother’s womb. If your baby is born prematurely, he or she needs medical help. Such babies are cared for in special wards and boxes.

Labor begins with the opening of the cervix and contractions and lasts 12 to 18 hours. With the first pregnancy, labor usually occurs later and lasts longer. With each successive pregnancy, the duration of labor usually shortens. (pregnancy and childbirth)

You can wait for labor to start at home or in the hospital. The first option is allowed if the woman and fetus are healthy, and the pregnancy proceeds without complications. If something goes wrong, it is recommended to go to the maternity hospital in advance and prepare for the birth.

Find out how to prepare for labor and what you should pay attention to Preparing for childbirth | Important tips

After giving birth, a new and exciting phase of your life begins. Your baby now exists separately from you, but he still needs your constant care. It is very important during this period to establish contact with your baby and provide him or her with a favorable environment for development and growth. (pregnancy and childbirth)

Many helpful tips for moms of newborns can be found in this articles.

Second trimester of pregnancy (pregnancy and childbirth)

Healthy nutrition during pregnancy

Healthy nutrition during pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy

The first trimester of pregnancy