Healthy nutrition during pregnancy

Healthy nutrition during pregnancy

A woman in pregnancy often thinks that she should reconsider her diet and make it according to the needs of the baby. Indeed, pregnancy and nutrition – this is an inextricably linked concept: the future mother’s diet can affect the development of the child during pregnancy, as well as his health after birth. At the same time, opinions on what products should be in the diet of the mother, quite often differ fundamentally. Let’s try to understand the basics of proper Healthy nutrition during pregnancy.

The most important rules of Healthy nutrition during pregnancy women :

Monitor the caloric content of food and the variety of foods you eat

It is great if the expectant mother began to think about her diet in advance and mastered the basics of a healthy diet for those planning a pregnancy. In this case, it will not be difficult to establish a regime, being in an interesting position. She already knows that a proper diet for a pregnant woman should not be monotonous, the menu should include dishes from different foods: meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, etc.

Eat often and in small portions

When you are pregnant, your appetite improves noticeably, especially in the second trimester, or when toxicosis passes. At this time the future mother should be more attentive and cautious. Healthy nutrition during pregnancy woman in the early stages should be dosed, so as not to get fat and, at the same time, to be able to provide the baby with useful substances.

Eliminate unhealthy foods or limit their intake

Logically, a healthy diet for pregnant women excludes frequent consumption of harmful products: fast food, salty and smoked products, sweets, and flour. It is important to remember that in most cases, their excessive consumption can have a negative impact on the baby, and in order not to harm the baby, you should eat them in moderation.

Do not skip breakfast under any circumstances

In the first trimester, expectant mothers may suffer from nausea and vomiting – signs of early toxicity, because of which women often skip meals in the morning. Doctors insist that at least a small snack is necessary for breakfast. You can choose something that will not cause an attack of nausea: for example, some fruit or a lean product.

Cook food in a gentle way

Nutritionists who advise healthy eating recommend using methods such as baking, stewing, boiling, or steaming. In this case, the dishes retain maximum vitamins for mom and baby.

Drink plenty of fluids and don’t eat anything dry

This is the golden rule of good and healthy nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding mothers. Drinking at least one and a half to two liters of water a day helps to eliminate toxins and help the bowels to empty.

What can’t I eat during pregnancy in early pregnancy?

At the beginning of pregnancy, the fetus is the most vulnerable, so the expectant mother should eat only quality and fresh food. Especially dangerous in the early stages of pregnancy are raw foods and dishes that have undergone insufficient heat treatment, such as unpasteurized milk, cheese with mold, soft-boiled eggs, sushi, meat “with blood”, etc. These can lead to bacterial infections that are dangerous to a healthy nutrition during pregnancy.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the first trimester

In the first trimester, nutritionists recommend gradually switching to a healthy diet. Too drastic a change of diet will not be beneficial. Meals in the early stages of pregnancy should be varied. In the 1st trimester products containing useful microelements should be smoothly introduced. The most important thing is to keep a good mood and well-being of the future mother.

Nutrition of a Pregnant Woman in the second trimester

In the 2nd trimester, the fetus develops rapidly. During this period, it is necessary to include in your diet foods that contribute to the further growth of the baby. The brain and respiratory organs are developing, teeth are being laid and the bone system is being strengthened. The mother should eat food containing calcium and vitamin D.

Nutrition for pregnant women in the third trimester

In the third trimester, it is necessary to pay as much attention as possible to the caloric content of food. During this period there is a high probability of rapid weight gain, which may complicate the last weeks of pregnancy and the birth process. With edema, which often occurs in the 3rd trimester, you should consult a specialist and follow a special diet.

Pregnancy periodI trimesterII trimesterIII trimester
Macronutrient and micronutrient requirementsAmino acids of animal origin, calcium, protein, vitamin B.Bran bread, dairy products, spinach, marine fish liver, lean meat, cereal porridge, fruits and vegetables, and herbs.Fats of plant origin, vitamins E and D, ascorbic acid, retinol, calcium.
List of recommended productsFast food, chips, canned foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, and alcohol.Lean meat, eggs, lean cheese and cottage cheese, liver, legumes, wholemeal bread, seaweed, freshly squeezed juice, fruits and vegetables, crops, and sea fish.Sea fish, fruits and vegetables, nuts, vegetable soups, cereal porridge, dairy products.
List of products not recommendedFast food, chips, canned foods, carbonated drinks, coffee, alcohol.Canned foods, baked goods, mushrooms, coffee, alcoholic beverages, fast food, smoked and spicy foods.Salty, fried, spicy food; alcoholic and carbonated drinks, strong coffee, fatty foods.

As you can see from the table, in the first and third trimesters, the list of recommended and allowed foods is about the same. The most important thing is to make the weekly menu varied and balanced, which will help the baby to develop properly.

Nutrition of the expectant mother by weeks of the baby’s development

The body of the expectant mother is constantly changing, and the fetus is growing and developing, which means that the need for substances and micronutrients varies depending on the period of pregnancy. The healthy nutrition during pregnancy woman by weeks should remain healthy and varied. However, you need to add certain foods to your diet.

  • 1-4 weeks: dairy products (especially cottage cheese), green vegetables, eggs, broccoli, spinach, oatmeal, turkey;
  • 5-10 weeks: dairy products, sauerkraut, dried fruit, lean beef, fruit, morses;
  • 11-16 weeks: milk and dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, cheeses), lean fish and meat, fruit, and vegetables;
  • 17-24 weeks: cabbage, bell peppers, carrots, lean poultry, rabbit, fish, eggs, berries, herbs
  • 25-28 weeks: cereal porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat), soups with low-fat broth, stewed vegetables, baked or boiled meat.
  • 29-34 weeks: redfish, nuts, eggs, dairy products.
  • 35-40 weeks: fresh fruit, stewed vegetables, salads, meat in small quantities.

Specialists say that a pregnant woman’s diet should be balanced. It should contain sources of protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. The closer the due date, the “lighter” the diet of the expectant mother should be. (Healthy nutrition during pregnancy)

What should be excluded from nutrition during pregnancy?

By and large, no products from the range of ordinary supermarkets, if they are not spoiled and cooked correctly, are not able to harm the baby – only the figure of the future mother. Harmful products for the fetus get on the table in completely different ways: it is a large predatory sea fish (may contain a significant amount of mercury), game (may remain particles of lead from the shot), products bought “on the highway”, “at grandma’s”, etc. (the composition of toxic substances can be very diverse).

Read more What foods should be avoided during pregnancy?

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