Detecting and treating gestational diabetes

During the last three months of your pregnancy, your health care provider will recommend that you come in more often for screenings to check your blood glucose levels during gestational diabetes. In many cases, it is recommended that you check your blood glucose levels yourself at home every day (or several times a day) and record the levels on a chart. If this applies to you, your health care provider will explain how and when to do this. You will probably also get an appointment with a diabetologist who is especially knowledgeable about treating diabetics.

In addition, your doctor will assess your baby’s health and make sure he or she is doing well.
Your blood glucose levels will be checked again right after birth and again six to 12 weeks later (sometimes even more regularly). Your doctor may recommend that you have your blood glucose levels checked again every few years after you give birth.

It can be worrisome to learn that you have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. You probably have a lot of questions about it. Always remember that your doctor will recommend the right treatment so that your pregnancy can proceed without complications and your little one can be born healthy.

The advice and information provided here is in no way a substitute for medical care by appropriate professionals. Always consult your physician for professional diagnosis and treatment.

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