He was taking pictures pregnant wife and saw something incredible!

In the last week of her pregnancy, Angeline decided to take a walk on the beach with her husband Bill. As labor was approaching and the baby could be born any minute, Bill decided that this was the perfect opportunity to take another photo of his wife pregnant. When they returned home from the beach and reviewed the photos, they noticed a unique detail that would make their photos incredibly popular….

Angeline and Bill were over the moon when they found out they were having a baby.

It was the first pregnancy for the couple and everything was new to them. They took a lot of photos every chance they got, so that they could look at them and remember this happy period for their family. At that time they did not know that their photos would be admired not only by themselves, but also by millions of people around the world….

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The young couple, who only recently moved to Jacksonville, Florida had been looking for the perfect spot to capture pregnant Angeline for a long time.

They decided that the best place for such a photo shoot would be the beach. At first they even thought of hiring a professional photographer. But as it turned out later, there would be no need in it, as the last photo they will make on the beach will fly around the world thanks to one small detail …

pregnant lady images

The idea to have a photo shoot on the beach was first brought up by Angeline’s sister.

Angeline’s sister also lives in this city, and when she was pregnant her husband took an incredibly beautiful photo of his wife on the beach. Angeline also decided to take a similar photo on the beach for the family chronicle. But she had no idea that the photos would turn out to be quite different….

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For several days, the couple waited for good weather to go to the beach.

And when the weather arrived, they went to the beach early in the morning to take idyllic photos before the sunbathers arrived. They had no idea that the photos they would take would capture something completely unexpected ….

pregnant women images

Upon arriving at the beach, Bill and Angeline decided to explore it a bit first to find the perfect spot for a photo.

One of the signs on the beach said that there were dangerous species of fish in the water, but the young couple completely ignored this warning and walked on the sand. They weren’t going to get in the water, were they?

photo search

After walking a few dozen meters along the beach, they suddenly heard screams.

It turned out that there was another couple on the beach walking along the water’s edge, but something scared them and with screams they ran ashore and ran off the beach. Bill and Angeline didn’t even have time to ask them what happened….

pictures of pregnant women

There were many vacationers in this part of the beach, and many of them were anxiously pointing toward the sea.

When Bill and Angeline looked closely at the water, they saw a large black shadow moving quickly under the water. The shadow was moving rapidly towards the shore and many people began to run out of the water in a panic!

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Angeline wasn’t feeling very well, so she and her husband decided to step back into the shade.

But this part of the beach was so busy with vacationers that the couple soon decided to go back to the part of the beach through which they had come. This corner was much smaller and cozier, and there were no people here at all. A perfect place to quietly take pictures …

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Angeline found a good place for a photo and got ready to pose for her husband.

Bill took a few photos and thought that all of them turned out great because he has an incredibly photogenic wife. Satisfied with the photo shoot, the young couple returned home and uploaded the pictures to the computer. When Bill enlarged the photos a little, he realized that one of the photos was taken at an amazing moment!

photos of pregnant women

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