Breastfeeding Guide | The most important thing to know

Breastfeeding Guide

Breastfeeding (BF) is not about food for newborns, not about choosing what to satisfy your baby’s appetite. Breastfeeding is a sacrament for two: the woman and her long-awaited baby.

Breastfeeding cannot be equated with just one way to satiate a newborn baby.

Components of breast milk

After all, the composition of breast milk contains everything necessary for the full completion of the formation of the central nervous system, particularly the brain, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, blood, immune, endocrine, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems, because the completion of these systems occurs mainly in the first year of life of a child.

Breast milk contains the whole spectrum of essential proteins, fats, carbohydrates, micro and macro elements, immunoglobulins, minerals and vitamins. It is, without exaggeration, an elixir and balanced in all the indispensable food of a newborn baby, which nature has created especially for him, in honor of his birth.

Can any mother breastfeed her child ?

Absolutely every woman is able to feed her baby. To establish breastfeeding and, if necessary, combine it with a dynamic life, including a career and various life activities.

Some exceptions are women who have undergone radical breast surgery and those who, after the birth of a child, should resume treatment for chronic diseases, treatment for vital indications of the mother’s health with drugs that are not compatible with breastfeeding. But these situations are a small percentage.

In other cases, it is necessary to expand knowledge about breastfeeding, to convey its extraordinary benefits for the health of the mother and baby. Help in the right organization of the process, where there is a desire to feed a woman, the support of relatives, and professional help from doctors. After all, there is also the concept of lactation, donor mother’s milk. But above all a wide arsenal of what can be established for successful breastfeeding with an individual approach. For a woman who has given birth, those around her should become a “breast” to rely on in life matters, this does not directly apply to the time spent with the baby, where the mother is often extremely difficult to replace.

Breastfeeding for Beginners | The right way to feed your baby

Does it matter what feeding regimen?

In the past, women often heard from doctors that they should limit the number of times they breastfeed, keep it to three hours or any other intervals between feedings, or even stop breastfeeding when their menstrual cycle starts again. Now every woman decides for her baby comfortable format of feeding and understands that the rules of breastfeeding is a matter of two (baby and mom), where each situation is individual.

Today there are many devices that promote and facilitate the process of breastfeeding: breast pumps (in case mom needs to be away from the baby for a certain period of time regularly or not: work, school, sports, medical treatment, containers for freezing breast milk, wristbands to remind which breast the baby should be attached to during the next feeding, comfortable and very stylish clothes and underwear for breastfeeding.

But it does not have to buy everything, the main key to a successful breastfeeding is a woman’s desire.

You can delegate any domestic duties to your relatives and devote all your love to your newborn! Breastfeeding is a process of forming a very stable psycho-emotional bond with the child, it is a stage of carrying the baby outside the mother’s womb, not less important than the intrauterine. For a baby to be close to his mother is a basic level of security, love, warmth, because the baby considers himself an integral part of his mother.

Mother’s milk is unusual in that the mother’s endocrine system synthesizes it from blood and lymph and it has a full range of all the substances that the baby needs at the moment. It changes with the time of day, growth and development of the baby, during his illnesses and growth “jumps”. Unbelievable, but nature has taken care of the baby so that gave the center of his universe – the mother of all that he needs more and in sufficient quantity – breast milk.

Breastfeeding is the key to a strong foundation of healthy completion of the formation of all organs and systems of a newborn.

Mother’s nutrition during breastfeeding

Why involve diet and is there a direct link between what we eat and how the baby feels?

Despite the fact that the modern approach suggests a democratic attitude to the diet of the mother, nutrition during breastfeeding is essential.

The mother’s diet should be healthy and balanced in the first place, but at the first stages restrictions are necessary. It is important to gradually establish the microflora, reduce the load on the baby’s pancreas and minimize the risk of exposure to allergies in the future.

In the first 2 months after birth we recommend:

  • Switch to a lactose-free diet;
  • Consume gluten-free foods;
  • eliminate the consumption of cabbage, beans, peanuts, red fish, limit the amount of eggs and other foods that can cause bloating, colic or allergies in the baby;
  • reduce your baby’s intake of black tea and coffee.

This does not mean that this diet will be all the time. You should add individual foods gradually and observe the reaction and, if all is well, add new foods to your diet.

Rest assured that it will all work out! The love translation and relationship building between a mother and her baby is unrepeatable. For the sake of the eyes opposite during breastfeeding and their unconditional love for you, you should do everything in your power for a successful and long-lasting breastfeeding, from which both participants of the process receive an immeasurable amount of pleasure, love and joy.

Your open heart and will and all the modern achievements of evidence-based medicine will help you in this.

We wish you all health and joy!

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